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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Guidelines for publication on Revista Digital do Laboratório de Artes Visuais - Center of Education/UFSM

A dossier is a set of articles about a theme expressing a contribution considered relevant to the field and scope of the journal. Therefore, we advise potential authors to read and choose carefully, on the journal’s website, which are their foci of disciplinary interest and their inter and transdisciplinary fields.

Revista Digital do LAV will publish its thematic dossier every August, aiming to enhance possibilities of publication by reserachers who have increasingly sought out for our journal. Thus, a publication strategy, which includes a thematic dossier alongside a continuous demand section, has been articulated.

We consider that the concentration of scientific texts around very specific contemporary issues may help the community not only to find current cultural material, previously validated and selected, but also  to identify “who” investigates what and “how” to do research in national and international contexts.

1. Every article must present a clear dialogue with the theme, having as backdrop the field and scope of the journal, originality in the treatment of the theme, argumentative consistency and rigor, conceptual richness in the formulation of eventual research problems and irrepressible scientific textual quality. When submitted, articles must clearly mention “proposal for dossier”.

2. For technical reasons, Revista Digital do LAV can only compose thematic dossiers with a minimum of seven and a maximun of nine scientific articles, those of which must be the object of a thematic, theoretical and methodological articulation and coordenation by the journal’s editors, after being approved through blind peer review.

3. Submitted articles must be previously unpublished, in both print and electronic media, followed, if applicable, by appropriate copyright permissions when including images or external authors’ excerpts that require such prodedure. Consequently, authors are fully responsible for the overall content in the article.

4. The journal publishes papers in Portuguese, Spanish or English, in the modality of continuous demand. Likewise, articles composing the dossier section must be written in one of these three languages. The absence of an abstract in English and Spanish, or lack of quality in its translation are reasons for resending the proposed manuscripts to the authors. Articles must be returned within the stipulated dealines for each thematic dossier under penalty of exclusion.

5. As far as norms of style and formal presentation (font style and size, margins, bibliographical references, etc.) are concerned, articles submitted to the dossier section must follow the same guidelines for articles submitted to the continuous demand section which are developed in detail on the journal’s website. Non-compliance with these norms results in the proposal exclusion.

6. Editors, after conculting the elements of the journal’s scientific committee, the ones active in the current assessment, have the right to solve any case not covered by the norms, particularly safeguarding the journal’s scientific quality as well as the official deadline for publication.

Themes and deadlines

Dossier for publication in August 2018:

Dossier – “Affective narratives of Art teachers: poetic experiences and teacher’s education”

Coordinator: Prof. Henrique Lima Assis, PhD (Ciranda da Arte Study and Research Center/Goias State Secretary of Education, Culture, and Sports)

Editor: Prof.  Marilda Oliveira de Oliveira, PhD

Understanding the experiences that make the Art teachers into the teachers they are have been object/theme of several investigations, since they are understood a precious mechanism for selfknowledge and comprehension of the cultural universe in which they interact and produce their singularities and identities. Thus, narrative researches, either autobiographical or biographical, come into play for making investigative and formative processes possible at the same time. As a way of investigation, the narrative research enables the production of knowledge by relating personal living and research process, systematizing and giving them new meanings. As formation, the assumption is that authors increase their self-awareness when they perform the roles of investigated and investigator of their own personal history, reflecting upon meaningful aspects of the followed paths. Considering its richness, the interest of this dossier is to aggregate and reveal the know-how resulting from these investigative processes.

Deadline for submission: May 30th, 2018.

Dossier for publication in August 2019:

Dossier: Research (with) Art (in) Teaching 

Coordenators: Luciana Gruppelli Loponte, PhD (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) and Daniel Bruno Momoli, MA (Universidade Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe).

Editors: Marilda Oliveira de Oliveira, PhD and Vivien Kelling Cardonetti, PhD

The dossier proposal “Research (with) Art (in) Teaching” is open to articles that present discussions which broaden the way we have dealt with the theme of art in teaching and teaching in art, considering teaching and its formation possibilities in the most expended way. Research as a gesture of creation is one of the means we have to dissolve the frontiers that can be established between art as a knowledge field and teaching as a potent space for acting in the present, inspite of all difficulties we go through. This is an invitation to think the relations that can be created through two axes: relations among teaching, art, and research; and research with art in education.

Due date for submission: April 30, 2019

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