Share experiences among women, artist and teachers through virtual tools


  • Rosario García-Huidobro Munita Universidad de Barcelona



Listening, Shared experience, Online research, Women


In this paper I share the experience of investigating from an online context. This virtual tool allowed me to share, discuss and understand the experiences of a group of women, art teachers in Chile, becoming a place of encounter and reflection on their professional development. To explain the research process I will focus on two important aspects. First I will explain how this platform emerged and how was performed. On the other hand I will perform a brief review of the literature of online methods, to understand how it articulated, from this virtual methodology, the notions of space, time, and ethics in this first approach to their experiences. Finally I will tell my role and experience as a researcher insider-outsider and the relationships that were built in and through the platform.


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Author Biography

Rosario García-Huidobro Munita, Universidad de Barcelona

Doctoranda en Artes y Educación, Universidad de Barcelona.

Magister en Artes y Educación: un enfoque Construcconista. Univeraidad de Barceloan (2012)

Licenciada en Artes Visuales, Pontifici Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile (2008)


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How to Cite

Munita, R. G.-H. (2014). Share experiences among women, artist and teachers through virtual tools. Revista Digital Do LAV, 7(2), 216–229.