Validation of an instrument for the Nursing Process Record in prehospital mobile emergency care
Nursing Records, Nursing Process, Validation Study, Emergency Nursing, Emergency Medical ServicesAbstract
Objective: face and content validation of an instrument for Recording the Nursing Process in the Mobile Emergency Care Service. Method: quantitative study of face and content validation of the instrument by a committee of 21 experts in the field of prehospital mobile emergency care nationwide. A Content Validity Index (CVI) equal to or greater than 0.80 determined validation. Results: a CVI of 0.94 was obtained. Only the item ease of reading, related to appearance, had an index below the established. It was possible to evaluate the 99 nursing interventions listed. Conclusion: the instrument for the Nursing Process Record in the Mobile Emergency Care Service was considered valid and can enable the manual documentation of nursing practice in this setting.
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