Nursing prescription and quality of care: a documental study




Quality indicators health care, Nursing audit, Nursing records


Objective: to analyze the quality indicator Nursing Prescription of a Public University Hospital of North of Parana. Metod: a retrospective documentary. We analyzed 11,663 Nursing Prescriptions from units of hospital medical-surgical, for the period 2001 to 2008. Results: when compared to standard 80%, items relating to the "realization of the prescription by the same nurse who admitted the patient," "indication of pre operative/exams care” and "indication of postoperative/exams care" were those with the lowest percentage of completion "Correct"(respectively 60.8% and 62.4%, 57.1%). The item "presence of a daily prescription for each patient" had the best result in terms of the completeness "Correct" (88.5%). Considerations: in the institution investigated the practice of Nursing Prescription needs to be revisited and improved, because if found that the 10 items assessed, only three reached the set standard


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Author Biographies

Larissa Gutierrez da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, PR

Mestre em Enfermagem. Docente da Universidade Estadual de Londrina.

Denise Albieri Jodas, Instituto Federal do Paraná, Paranavaí, PR

Mestre em Enfermagem. Docente do Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR

Simone Cristina Baggio, Universidade Paranaense, Umaruma, PR

Mestre em Enfermagem. Coordenadora do Curso de Enfermagem da Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR

Dagmar Willamowius Vituri, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, PR

Enfermeira da Assessoria de Controle da Qualidade da Assistência de Enfermagem do Hospital Universitário Regional do Norte do Paraná, Londrina–PR. Doutoranda em Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo/Ribeirão Preto-SP.

Laura Misue Matsuda, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, PR

Doutora em Enfermagem. Docente da Universidade Estadual de Maringá.



How to Cite

Silva, L. G. da, Jodas, D. A., Baggio, S. C., Vituri, D. W., & Matsuda, L. M. (2012). Nursing prescription and quality of care: a documental study. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 2(1), 97–107.



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