Cancer in the family: unveiling family members perceptions


  • Fernanda Visoná Faculdade Fátima, Caxias do Sul, RS
  • Mariane Prevedello Hospitak Virvi Ramos, Caxias do Sul, RS
  • Emiliane Nogueira de Souza Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS



Nursing, Neoplasm, Medical oncology, Family


Objective: to describe the perception on immediate and extended family of a person diagnosed with cancer. Method: quantitative and qualitative study, involving family members who live with the patient during their treatment in the oncology ward of a hospital in Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and content analysis was performed subsequently. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution. Results: eighteen family members were interviewed. A cancer diagnosis has adverse effects on family members resulting in physical, psychological and social changes. Family members experience life style changes to get involved in overall care and remission-inducing treatment procedures. Conclusion: having someone diagnosed with cancer causes suffering and distress to family members and requires them to readjust their lifestyles


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Visoná, Faculdade Fátima, Caxias do Sul, RS


Mariane Prevedello, Hospitak Virvi Ramos, Caxias do Sul, RS

Enfermeira responsável técnica pelo setor de oncologia do Hospital Virvi Ramos, Caxias do Sul - RS. Especialista em Gestão da Saúde do TRabalhador pela Faculdade Fátima.

Emiliane Nogueira de Souza, Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS

Profª Assistente do Departamento de Enfermagem da UFCSPA.



How to Cite

Visoná, F., Prevedello, M., & Souza, E. N. de. (2012). Cancer in the family: unveiling family members perceptions. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 2(1), 145–155.



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