Quantity of generation of waste in six surgical of differents ports procedures comparative
Resíduos de saúde, Gravimetria, DestinaçãoAbstract
The risks to health and the environment caused by solid waste in health services (SRHS) is mainly due to their infectious fractions. These wastes have microorganisms that are pathogenic and pose a risk to public health and the environment. There is a lack of guidance on the potential risks, handling and treatment, as well as the lack of information on how the treatment and disposal of these wastes. This work is a survey on the nature and amount of waste generated in two surgical procedures of different sizes in a hospital in Porto Alegre, which is known to generate large quantities of waste. The study was sponsored by the hospital to search through this knowledge to establish standards and procedures to satisfactorily meet the demands of managing solid waste. We compared six surgical procedures that happen frequently in the hospital, aiming to measure the amount of organic waste, recyclable, non-recyclable and secretions produced in each of them, to establish routines for the most appropriate management of waste under conditions of environmental protection and appropriate the lowest possibleDownloads
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