Waste management of health services in Natal / RN: diagnostics rereading of past tenses
Solid Waste, Health Services, Management, Final DestinationAbstract
The problem with solid waste is a frequent theme in major scientific research in the environmental area, however, this issue under the legal standpoint only had strong advances with the publication of CONAMA resolutions, already dated in the twenty-first century and the recent publication policy domestic solid waste. Regarding the issues of waste from health services the picture is even more serious, since the strong difficulties of adequate public policies and budget to enforce the regulatory aspects. Given this situation, this study tries to make a remake of a diagnosis made in health care facilities, in 1999, whose report pointed to numerous anomalies and serious environmental and public health risks. In this context, questionnaires were administered in the same establishments visited and compared the scenarios. Based on the results it was possible to evaluate the introduction of new laws not improved frames diagnosed earlier.
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