Therapeutic touch and environmental education: a rhizomatic encounter


  • Aline Cristina Calçada de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, RS
  • Alfredo Guillermo Martin Gentini Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, RS
  • Marlene Teda Pelzer Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, RS



Environmental Education, Therapeutic Touch, Care, Iatrogenesis


It deals with an ongoing doctoral thesis whose central theme is to minimize hospital iatrogenesisby means of Therapeutic Touch. It aims to redefine the relationship between nursing andhospitalized people. Three hypotheses have been formulated: the construction of an ecosophicalspace capable of overcoming iatrogenesis; the hospital as a pedagogical environment provides the conception of a new view and the hospital as a clinical space must go beyond pathology, valuingeach human being as a whole. Through cartography, it analyzes such hypotheses and proposesinstitutional interventions based on social-environmental experimentations, including theacademic environment, the hospital clinical space as well as a place away from any urbanized area.The field of intervention of this research is formed by various places, which contemplate theempirical field itself, where the subjects build their itineraries together. Some experimentationsinvolve a group of doctoral students composed by three PPGEA (Environmental Education Post-Graduate Program) researchers of FURG - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, which is calledresearching community. The latter contemplates three knowledge areas articulated with thepurpose of EE - Environmental Education, which are: nursing, art/education and sociology. Othersseek direct experimentation with people who are hospitalized in a medical clinic. As a group, theyutilize visual and scenic art to start up processes capable of bringing up a creative becoming, eitherin the hospital, in the academic environment, or even in a place close to the Atlantic Forest. Suchspaces are cartographically constituted according to a group of possibilities that form currentevent flows which are crossed by the vicissitudes of the ones involved. The social-environmentalexperimentations proposed to this thesis have demonstrated other possibilities regarding healthcare. Schizoanalysis permits the creation of protective mechanisms in our work routines.Therapeutic Touch is one of the ways that can be taken in that sense. Its practicing has led to anidea of belonging in the surroundings, which is capable of leading to a new relationship with life,undisputed link supported by all Environmental Education currents.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. C. C. de, Gentini, A. G. M., & Pelzer, M. T. (2013). Therapeutic touch and environmental education: a rhizomatic encounter. Monografias Ambientais, 10(10), 2209–2219.