Impacto ambiental derivado das ações de controle e combate à dengue no Rio Grande do Norte
Dengue, Insecticide, Environmental impactAbstract
The growing presence of the problems arising from the occurrence of dengue in Brazil has beenstrengthening the control elements to vectors that transmit this disease. However, little isobserved adherence environmental issues associated with the techniques used for combatingthese agents, especially when the use of chemical high severity to human health. Therefore, theobjective is to draw attention to a reality that is out of the media and public knowledge, basicelements for generating a process of deploying an environmental management system inzoonoses control structures. The methodology used to conduct the study was a literature reviewand application of the FMEA technique for identifying and prioritizing key environmental aspectsand impacts. The items identified were prioritized against its occurrence, frequency, severity, legalrequirements and associated control measures used. From the results it is important to highlightthe extent of the problem of environmental and public health, should be established a cycle ofcontinuous improvement to calculate the environmental damage caused by such activities.
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