Vivências e Significações Socioambientais do Projeto Horto Municipal de Faxinal do Soturno/RS


  • Juliana Andreola Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Jumaida Rosito Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Municipal Garden Project, Environmental Education, Environmental Awareness, Social and Environmental Practices


This research was developed in the context of Integral Attention to Children and Adolescents'Program, in Faxinal Soturno/RS' Garden. This social program receives children and adolescents ofthe city, which are in a social vulnerability situation. The objective of this study was to examine ifthe program contributes to the awakening of environmental awareness among children andadolescents, and, moreover, it sought to know the meaning of the social interactionbetweenyoungs in the the Garden's Project. For this, in this research was used the technique of fieldexploratory and included the qualitative analysis through the use of questionnaires, those wassent to families and reports obtained with youth those are participante of the project, that relatetheirs experiences in the Garden. The results shows that the Project of the Garden is perceived asan environment for socialization, interaction, construction of learning, and fundamentallystimulator of values that they are connect with the environmental preservationists practices. Withthis, it can be said that the project reach your main objectives and the same time it contributes tothe formation of citizens aware of their actions with the environment.


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How to Cite

Andreola, J., & Rosito, J. (2012). Vivências e Significações Socioambientais do Projeto Horto Municipal de Faxinal do Soturno/RS. Monografias Ambientais, 6(6), 1298–1304.

