Percepções da importância de reciclagem nos laboratórios da Fepagro/sede (Fundação Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária)
Reuse, Preservation, InterviewAbstract
Recycling is a process in which certain types of materials, routinely recognized as garbage arereused as raw material for manufacturing new products. In addition to present with differentphysical properties, they also feature a new composition, which is the main factor that differs fromthe reuse of recycling, these concepts are often confused. This process is important today,because it turns what would or already in the garbage into new products, reducing waste thatwould be launched in nature, while saving raw materials, often from non-renewable resources andenergy (Araguaia, 2011). The research conducted through qualitative interview addressed to members of the laboratories of FEPAGRO / Headquarters, located in the city of Porto Alegre / RS,obtained as a result, when asked if there was some kind of recycling, 50% said yes, citing that asrecycling consists of disposable and recyclable waste, reuse of glass and plastic packaging andcardboard dry waste separation and organic, and the incorporation of the prepared solutions andmeans on disposal of organic waste for composting. And when asked about recycling all said theywere in favor, however, as to why it was noticed at the same time a diversity and similarities in theresponses regarding the perceived importance of recycling and these are: the preservation andprotection of health and environment, thus decreasing pollution and water contamination, soiland air, preservation of renewable and nonrenewable resources in addition to the wealth ofeconomic power of the institution and for the production of new packaging and improved the livesof individuals. Based on research conducted it is clear that respondents are sensitive enough tojust adopt a recycling program within the institution.
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