Projeto Sorrir Faz Bem: o voluntariado na vida acadêmica


  • Lauren Oliveira Lima Bohner Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC
  • Luiz Jarbas Godoy Filho Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC
  • Graziela de Luca Canto Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC



Volunteering, Extension project


Emaus house it is a private entity, philanthropyc and noneconomic purposes, that protects 6 to 18year old boys, in a risk situation. To those boys it is offered a house, food, school help, non-formaleducation, sports, cares of health and actions that leads to the child integral development. All thepersons who are connect to the Instituition dedicates their time voluntarily. To integrate theacademics to the Volunteer World, connecting them to the Community that they live, the PETOdonto – Fono Group makes the “Sorrir Faz Bem” Project, where they developed volunteeractivities with school help in Emaus` house. Besides providing homework help, the academicstudents shows the young boys the pleasure of studying, contributing with the self esteem rescue.On the other hand, this project it is a rich experience to the student, since it proposes the personaldevelopment, and fortification of their citizenship.


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How to Cite

Bohner, L. O. L., Godoy Filho, L. J., & Canto, G. de L. (2011). Projeto Sorrir Faz Bem: o voluntariado na vida acadêmica. Monografias Ambientais, 3(3), 557–562.




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