Roteiros de práticas ambientais para monitorias de visitas escolares ao jardim botânico da UFSM na perspectiva da ecoalfabetização
Environmental education, Eco-literacy, Botanical garden, Environmental practicesAbstract
Ecological Literacy is the reading and interpretation of nature that allows to see the man as anintegral part of the life’s web. This approach sets up a great contribution to the practice ofenvironmental education in both formal and informal education. In this sense, the environmentalpractices find in the botanical gardens, natural areas of big biodiversity and educational value. Theobjective of this work was offer to environmental education monitors of the Botanic Garden UFSM, scripts for monitoring of environmental practices of school visits, directed to students fromkindergarten and elementary school. The research methodology was done in practical activities inelectronic and printed bibliographies, as well as preparation of the selected activities according tothe National Curricular Parameters (PCNs). These practices have been adapted to the context ofthe Botanical Garden UFSM and organized from the perspective of Ecoliteracy. The itinerariesinclude twenty-eight environmental practices, six of them, indicated for kindergarten and twentytwofor elementary school. One of them, was selected for exemplification, implemented with thethird graders of elementary school of the Riachuello School. The results showed that theenvironmental practices beyond being facilitators of environmental education work of themonitors of the Botanical Garden UFSM are also teaching strategies for teachers and learning forstudents. This monograph of Specialization in Environmental Education (PPGEA-UFSM) wassubmitted in December 2010.Downloads
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