The solo as cross theme for interdisciplinary work in sixth year primary education
Textbook, Soil, Interdisciplinary, Curriculum, Elementary schoolAbstract
Soil is one of the natural elements that are worked, for the most part, in isolation in Science discipline in the sixth grade of elementary school, however, the teachers of the High School State School Dr. José Sampaio Marques Luz, had the opportunity to find content that can serve as support to initiate a search path of building an integrated curriculum, able to promote interdisciplinarity and that is meaningful to the students. The interventional activity performed during the teaching day school, with the school teachers, aimed to trigger interdisciplinary dialogue among teachers of the same subject area for the production of an integrated offering of subjects. Teachers could create after dialogued lectures by area of knowledge, proposals for inter work, multilateral and multidisciplinary. The results showed that, there is certainly motivation on the part of educators involved in this work in dialogue and initiate a (re) construction of curriculum. However, it takes time available for such a transformation, involving study and dedication. Participants of interventional activity developed proposals starting from the proposed theme and set out to apply and to continue to study this methodology that seeks to unify knowledge and make them more meaningful to students.
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