Music and environmental education in a field school in the municipality of São Gabriel - RS: an interdisciplinary way of signifying the complex reality


  • Cibele Ambrozzi Corrêa Universidade Federal do Pampa, São Gabriel, RS
  • Sônia Conceição Assis de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Pampa, São Gabriel, RS
  • Rafael Cabral Cruz Universidade Federal do Pampa, São Gabriel, RS



Learning, Teaching interdisciplinary, Environmental education, Rural school, Music


The anthropocentrism (human being as center of the universe), set by the Cartesian paradigm, carries a large share of responsibility for the crisis of perception as to the environment, seen as object of use as well, the environmental education, understood only as education ecological. Education has its foundations supported this paradigm, resulting in the fragmentation of the interrelationships of various fields of knowledge. The Interdisciplinary can assist in transforming such isolationist representation, by provoking an intense dialogue between areas, with collective actions aimed at the whole, however, there is still resistance to put it into practice in schools because of the complexity of being and working in this way, making it a challenge to stakeholders for generating behavior change, paradigms and hence the teaching-learning process. Given the above, we sought to use music and environmental education, interdisciplinary areas, in activities of the Macrocampo pedagogical monitoring in the Educational Program More education, passing between curricular contents of early years elementary school of a Rural School Municipal School called elementary school Mascarenhas de Moraes - Polo of São Gabriel / RS, and then check the possible effects achieved through using a qualitative approach. According to the results, it became clear behavior change and the increased interest of students. This study brings together subsidies that give foundation to the performance of new interdisciplinary educational strategies that can contribute to the process of teaching and learning.


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Author Biographies

Cibele Ambrozzi Corrêa, Universidade Federal do Pampa, São Gabriel, RS

Graduada em Gestão Ambiental pela Universidade Federal do Pampa - Campus São Gabriel/RS, participou do Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Pesquisas em Ciências Ambientais (LICA). É especialista em Educação, Interdisciplinaridade e Transversalidade pela Universidade Federal do Pampa - Campus São Gabriel/RS.

Sônia Conceição Assis de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Pampa, São Gabriel, RS

Possui graduação em Biologia - Licenciatura Plena pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e graduação em Pedagogia - Habilitação Supervisão Escolar e Magistério das Matérias Pedagógicas do Ensino Médio - pelo Centro Universitário Feevale.

Rafael Cabral Cruz, Universidade Federal do Pampa, São Gabriel, RS

Rafael Cabral Cruz concluiu o doutorado em Ecologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul em 2005. Atualmente é Professor Associado do Campus de São Gabriel, Fundação Universidade Federal do Pampa e atua como professor permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.


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How to Cite

Corrêa, C. A., Oliveira, S. C. A. de, & Cruz, R. C. (2015). Music and environmental education in a field school in the municipality of São Gabriel - RS: an interdisciplinary way of signifying the complex reality. Monografias Ambientais, 14, 03–17.