The environmental education and the sacred ritual of the cururu of Mato Grosso


  • Lucy Ferreira Azevedo Universidade de Cuiabá, Cuiabá, MT
  • José Serafim Bertoloto Universidade de Cuiabá, Cuiabá, MT
  • Imara Pizzato Quadros Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, MT



Cururu, Environmental education


The Mato Grosso Cururu shows the relationships between people and institutions. Therefore presents a world view. The New Rhetoric is the way which this paper wants to make visible through literature, research, custons and practices, which here also represent Environmental Education in order to understand it as an action that will form more critical and engaged individuals to the perception of an interdisciplinary subject. Going beyond the misconception that Environmental Education is restricted to, for example, ecology, think the discipline in the objectives of environmental education:awareness; behavior (attitude);competence; evaluation capacity;participation. Based on these objectives, this article thinks the rites as a mediators between the meeting of the man and the sacred, combat between reason and affection. The sacred rite of Mato Grosso Cururu propagates regional values and lets you see, in verse, music and performance, the relationship between ethos, logos and pathos to externalize the feelings emanating from the way of living in the Midwest. The New Rhetoric is the theoretical support, and in bibliographic search, the passions are unveiled by the verse, set design and music - the tune: arguments for the construction of epideictic genre.


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How to Cite

Azevedo, L. F., Bertoloto, J. S., & Quadros, I. P. (2015). The environmental education and the sacred ritual of the cururu of Mato Grosso. Monografias Ambientais, 14, 254–260.

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