Survey of annual generation of solid waste in the municipality of Caçador-SC
Waste, Recycling, Gravimetric composition, Generation per capitaAbstract
One of the main environmental problems is the impact caused by the lack of solid waste management, in which may be reversible with the use of the guidelines of the Municipal Plan for Integrated Management of Solid Waste. The objective of this work the physical characterization and gravimetric composition of recyclable waste in the municipality of Caçador-SC. The study was carried out in the Cooperative Citizenship and Environment and the recycling companies in the municipality, in the period of service beginning on January 01/01/2013 will be 31.12.2013. Having a total volume sampled of 2,602,495.78 kg/year, it is a job for the entire area of the municipality. As raised came from a generation of 240,822.95 kg in January, 233,634.37 kg in February, 219,155.3 kg in March, 219,155.3 kg in April, 208,586.75 kg in May, 187,469.51 kg in June, 196,454.97 kg in July, 196,074.00 kg in August, 189,068.27 kg in September, 198,913.48 kg in October, 216,272.66 kg in November and 234,449.65 kg in December.Having a total generation of 324,554.02 kg of Paper, 889,112.47 kg of Cardboard, 1,026,983.73 Plastic, 247,002.61 kg of Glass, 8,809.30 kg of electronic, 68,253.86 kg of Aluminum, 38,122.78 kg of Metal and 2,657.00 kg of Iron. For the determination of gravimetric composition of these residues was followed by the NBR 10007:04. From this it was possible to raise generation per captures the municipality of 36.77 kg/inhab. /year, 3.06 kg/hab. /month and 0.101 kg/hab. /day, and the sample mean of each of the months. These data will be used in the Municipal Plan for the Integrated Management of Solid Waste in the municipality of Hunter, which will impose guidelines for waste was precluded recycling with the values of the survey.Downloads
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