Environmental perception by youth and adults students of basic education (EJA Program) of public schools
Environment, Environmental education, Youth and adults educationAbstract
This study aimed to assess the environmental perception by youth and adults students of basic education (EJA Program) of public schools in Araranguá (SC). A questionnaire was given to 56 students of the course. For the analysis of environment conceptions, five categories of conceptions were established (romantic, utilitarian, generalizing, limited and socio-environmental). A counting standard was used for the analysis of responses to objective questions, and, for the questions with more than one response, the method of counting/incidence score was used. The results point the predominance of an environmental perception little elaborated and of “reductionist” character. It was shown that students have great interest in environmental issues. They also show willingness to participate in activities concerning environmental education. These results also strengthen the necessity to involve the EJA students in practices to insert environmental education in their everyday life.Downloads
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