Sustainable food production in hydroponics
Sustainable production, Hydroponics, Environmental problemsAbstract
The hydroponics is a form of agricultural production with the use of nutrient solution in a greenhouse, has excellent yield per area and high quality food. hus, the study aimed to sustainable food production in hydroponic culture, with the direct use of rainwater captured in reservoirs. The experiments with lettuce, arugula, tomato, physalis, nasturtium and pastures were conducted between the years 2010 to 2012, the Polytechnic College of UFSM, (29 42 'S, 53 42' and the altitude of 95m). Conducted in a greenhouse in NFT hydroponic system, using rain water, collected and stored in two tanks, 7mil liters each. We used anti-insect screens, preventing the entry and the attack of the same plants, resulting in a low environmental impact production and unused pesticides. The high production and quality of food are all due to environmental protection plastic cover, thus favoring the annual crop of vegetable crops not stopping in seasonal food. Thus, hydroponics becomes an alternative production and income for small, medium and large producers, increasing the production of seasonal to annual, reduction of order and water reuse in production.Downloads
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