Study and implementation of the discharge management project of main headwater of Lajeado Erval Novo
Environmental management, Water quality, Land useAbstract
To water supply is necessary to understand the discharge of small streams, the water demand and their quality. Our intention with this paper is monitoring the discharge and access the water quality of seven headwater of Lajeado Erval Novo Três Passos - RS. The headwater is surround by farming. The discharge was taken with a PVC core with 15cm diameter and with bucket. The discharge value is the volume on bucket after one minute. The monitoring occur from September to November 2013. The discharge varied at long to period considered on this study. The highest value measured was 3.07 l/s in November on headwater 2 and lowest was 0.37 l/s in October on headwater 1. The discharge is result of land use on their catchment manly farm and livestock. This result brings out of the importance of restauration and preservation of stream forests.
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