Environmental education in schools: the Pedagogical Political Project teaching practice
Environmental education, Formal education, Political pedagogical projectoAbstract
The present work proposes to strengthen the reflective process about environmental education in schools and its coverage in Politico Pedagogical Project and teaching practice. Through descriptive research, in a first instance we sought through bibliographic make a brief background, recognizing the importance of environmental education in the educational process, compared the current situation. Recognizing the difficulties that pervade the relationship between theory and practice has raised the importance of the role of committed teachers and training integrates the student so that he can interact with competence in the environment. Based on that, this work was being glimpsed reality on the development of environmental education in formal education, encouraging, concern for the development of critical and reflective learners, and engaging education professionals in promoting the conservation actions that provide the environment, human emancipation and the formation of a citizen aware of his action in the worldDownloads
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