Analysis content as tool for construction of environmental education of the family ranchers the Alto Camaquã
Social representation, Environmental education, Alto CamaquãAbstract
A key feature of familiar livestock of Alto Camaquã is its dependence by natural resources. The use of these resources needs more conscious strategies by parts of local actors. Thus, we attempted to in this study to understand the representations of local communities. For that, it constructs an ‘ideal’ conceptual model and a screenplay of qualitative interview. The methodologies of social investigation used are analysis of content and fundaments from the theory of social representation by Serge Moscovici and from social qualitative research by Marília Cecilia Minayo. The analysis of results provides to know the potencialities and difficulties before methodologies of environmental education, lately, the ideas and perceptions, representations of ranchers about management countryside and water, hybrid shortage, water and life quality and the influence in the livestock production were diagnosed. The ideas of flexibility to several educational practices, experience in the countryside with aggregations of emotional feelings of fear and sadness, were some characteristics in social representations from familiar ranchers.Downloads
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