Evaluation of Environmental Education Themes in Chemistry Books of the Textbook National Plan (PNLD)
Environmental Education, TextbooksAnalysis, PNLD booksAbstract
The concern about environmental issues has generated discussions in different teaching levels and also on the media, which constantly alert for the environmental problems, climate change and catastrophies. Environmental Education (EE) must be worked with in high school as a transversal theme, helping the student to have a broader comprehension about the environmental problems which have been so much discussed nowadays. Thus, this work aims to evaluate the chemistry textbooks suggested by the Textbook National Plan (PNLD) of the period 2012-2014, in terms of the Environmental Education theme and its appropriateness in high school. The subjects evaluated were the following: (i) use of chlorofluorocarbons and ozone layer; (ii) greenhouse effect and global warming; (iii) acid rain and water: pollution and treatment. Three categories of analysis were devised, aiming to guide the research in the most relevant aspects for the chemistry knowledge to be studied in classroom. The three categories are: (i) theoretical explanation of the subject; (ii) comprehension of the subject and (iii) exercises suggested. According to the analysis, it was observed that the chemistry PNLD textbooks are adequate for the practice of such themes when studied in classroom in relation to the chemistry contents.
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