Quantification of waste generation in a flour mill in the state of Paraíba
Flour mills, Waste, The environment, Use of wasteAbstract
The study was conducted in a flour mill, with mechanized process, located on the Site, Tea Garden in the City of Sand, state of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. The objective was to evaluate the generation of solid and liquid waste at each stage in processing of cassava roots and present alternatives for reuse of the main byproducts. In the conditions in which they developed the study it was clear that the agro-industrial processes processing of cassava for the production of table flour, generate quite a significant amount of waste. It was concluded that the house studied flour generates a large quantity of waste that could be used, since almost all are made up of easy and basically viable putrescible organic matter to be processed and utilized by farmers in the locality of the project. And that waste management in the processing of cassava proceedings become necessary, as these have very high pollutant loads, and most often discarded into the environment without any technical control may cause damage to natural resources and public health.
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