Effect of bovine substrate on the germination of biquinho pepper (capsicum chinense) irrigated with wastewater
BRS Moema, Water levels, Organic substrateAbstract
The Brazilian semiarid region characterized by prolonged drought and poor rainfall distributed, reducing the quality and quantity of water available. In this context, the present study performed in a protected environment at the Federal University of Campina Grande aiming to analyze the germination of pepper pout with bovine substrate irrigated with different levels of wastewater treated.The treatments consisted on 5 water levels (N) using the water supply and wastewater derived from an upflow anaerobic (UASB) based on plant water requirement (NH), as follows: 100% of NH (N5) 80% of NH (N4), 60% of NH (N3), 40% of NH (N2) and 20% of NH (N1). Germination percentage (PG) the germination speed index (GSI ), mean velocity (MV) and the average time (Tm) of germination were evaluated, on biquinho pepper (BRS Moema). The germination percentage for water supply averaged 42.3% and 46.5% for wastewater. For water levels applied the average germination rate of biquinho pepper ranged from 0.086 to 0.089. The germination of pepper had better results with the use of water residuária. O reuse of water in semi-arid regions is a viable alternative reducing costs and providing nutrients culture.
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