Environmental education in Municipal Schools of Manaus: a case study from the perception of students
Environmental Education School, Perception of students, Municipal Schools of ManausAbstract
This work was the starting point to find answers to the following problematic: the extent to which public schools have contributed to promote environmental education? Due to such a question, the work aimed to verify if the actions and projects in environmental education in schools municipal bring significant results that translate into personal practices in day to day life of its students. Therefore, we conducted a case study with a descriptive empirical research, especially in the form of field work. The main results were concerned with the approaches of major authors of the literature on the subject. It can be concluded that the environmental education and promote behavioral changes in students arouse some interest to find solutions to environmental problems, however, beyond the recognition of value and interest of the participants have on environmental issues, it is necessary that schools seek to advance and develop new actions.
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