Production and waste recycling with a focus on plastic residual
Waste, Recycling, Selective collection, Residual, PlasticAbstract
Through a survey of documentary character, the present study aimed to perform an analysis on the production and recycling of waste in the world and especially in Brazil, focusing on plastic waste. For its development methods were used documentary research, and qualitative and quantitative methodological procedures that provided achieve the goal of the study. With this study it was concluded that only 13.92% of the population had, in 2012, access to selective collection service and that there is a need to establish the structures and services of the same base in the country, as well as avoid dispersion of practices that converge to the awareness of the need to prevent the union of trash; being degrowth at source, reuse and recycling of the same key elements to mitigating the residual in landfills, especially the character of plastic. And that restrictions on the use of plastic bags in certain countries are some of the means which provide changes in thinking companies and people seek more sustainable means of production.
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