Evaluation of the inappropriate disposal of refined soybean oil on the escape behavior of the earthworms (Eisenia fetida)


  • Heider Alves Franco Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ, Campus Pinheiral, RJ, Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Agro-Environmental Technology – LAMTAA.
  • Marcus Vinícius de Castro Rocha Agricultural Technician at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ, Campus Pinheiral, RJ
  • Edson Luiz Lima da Silva Laboratory assistant at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ, Campus Pinheiral, RJ
  • Shaiene Costa Moreno Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ, Campus Pinheiral, RJ
  • Sérgio Thode Filho Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ - IFRJ, Campus Duque de Caxias, RJ, Multidisciplinary Waste Management Laboratory – LMGR




Soy is a product of agriculture that has a diversified use as food or raw material for derivatives such as oil and bran. There are studies evaluating the effect of residual vegetable oil on soil and other natural resources. However, environmental impact studies of refined soybean oil were not found in the literature. Thus, due to the large production volume of refined soybean oil, this work aims to investigate the response of earthworm escape, simulating the inadequate disposal of this residue in sandy and clayey soil. A completely randomized design with seven treatments consisting of doses of refined soybean oil added to the sandy and clayey soils was used: T1 - 1.0 mL; T2 - 10.0 mL; T3 - 15.0 mL; T4 - 20.0 mL; T5 - 25.0 mL; T6 - 30.0 mL and T7 - 100.0 mL in triplicate. The results show that for 15 mL and 20 mL doses, the refined soybean oil promoted a deleterious effect on the sandy and loamy soils, respectively, causing at least 60% of the earthworms to escape.


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Cómo citar

Franco, H. A., Rocha, M. V. de C., Silva, E. L. L. da, Moreno, S. C., & Thode Filho, S. (2017). Evaluation of the inappropriate disposal of refined soybean oil on the escape behavior of the earthworms (Eisenia fetida). Revista Eletrônica Em Gestão, Educação E Tecnologia Ambiental, 21, 08–15. https://doi.org/10.5902/2236117029715

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