The Hermeneutics of Gadamer and the practice of Environmental Education




Philosophical Hermeneutics, Truth and Method, Environmental Education.


This article aims to enable reflections on relations between the Hermeneutics, as a philosophical branch, and the environmentally oriented educational practice. To achieve this goal, will be addressed on the Philosophical Hermeneutics from Hans-Georg Gadamer's ideas, that with the work entitled Truth and Method, considered a milestone in twentiethcentury thought, influenced different modern scientific areas. Given that the field of Environmental Education, being still na emerging field, is in a moment of theoretical consolidation, it is understood that Hermeneutics can contribute as much as theoretical foundation and as approach in daily practice to environmental education.


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Author Biography

Lilian Alves Schmitt, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS

Sou Bahcarela em Ciências Biológicas, trabalho como educadora ambiental e atualmente curso o mestrado em Educação no Programa de Pós-Graduação da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul.


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FLICKINGER, H.G. Gadamer e a Educação. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2014.

GADAMER, H. G. Verdade e Método: Traços fundamentais de uma hermenêutica filosófica. 3.ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1999.

GRÜN, M. Ética e Educação Ambiental: a conexão necessária. 9.ed. Campinas: Papirus editora, 2005.

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How to Cite

Schmitt, L. A. (2015). The Hermeneutics of Gadamer and the practice of Environmental Education. Revista Eletrônica Em Gestão, Educação E Tecnologia Ambiental, 19(2), 1055–1059.

