Environmental Education, Environmental Visual Impacts, Permanent Preservation Area.Abstract
This research focuses on the environmental impact assessment of the visual stream Monjolo inorder to focusing in developing sustainability initiatives. We tried to make a survey of theenvironmental impacts from the source of the stream Monjolo following the stretch that runsaround the area of the Blue Lagoon Water Park. This research also aimed to investigate theunderstanding that the students of two classes of fifth grade of Public School Leopoldo Ost haveabout the subject, from the point of view of developing environmental education activities thatcontribute to improve the quality of life. The investigation took as a reference the adoption of aqualitative approach as a method to analyze the environmental and demonstrations bystudents. Lectures and interactive conversations were made the subjects in the classroom. Initially the room that led the environmental impacts identified visual field and the students had expressto their opinion about the environmental impact that needs to be helped with more urgency.Secondly tried practical actions that could contribute to environmental improvements in thestream Monjolo. However, the actions undertaken in this project already accomplished at thesource of the stream Monjolo. The students had been committed to separation and properdisposal of the waste. At the school the waste compost receives and sweeping will be used as ateaching tool.
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