Environmental Education, Alimentary Safety, Professional EducationAbstract
The present research embraced aspects on how the environmental education may contribute tothe agricultural output of victuals based on the alimentary safety and within the middle-levelprofessional technical education in agriculture. The approach has focused on the relationshipbetween environmental education and alimentary safety, the environmental education or thefocus, in classroom, in the context of the second semester of the technical course in agriculture ofthe Polytechnic School of UFSM during the second semester of 2010, and the investigation aboutthe insertion of the environmental education in to this teaching modality. This research hadqualitative character. In the context of the present study, the relationship between environmentaleducation and alimentary safety was shown to be able of increase the education in thetheoretical/practical sense of the technical-level vocational education through the perspective ofthe development of the professional formation supported by the interdisciplinarity as an essentialtool for the teaching/learning process. In order to do so, it is necessary a greater effectiveness inpaying attention to the curricular references for the professional education as well as a fullconsideration regarding the thematic of environment as a transversal theme of the National Curricular Parameters to be applied in the school settings of the professional technical educationin agriculture. Thus, it becomes possible to contribute to the formation of agricultural technicianscommitted with the social and economical development, respecting the ethical, moral, cultural,social, and ecological values.
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