Analyze the urban drainage system into the Pioneirosflorest park
Urban erosion, Permable area, Runoff flowAbstract
The construction of cities and the consequent soil impermeabilization associated to the deficiencies of the drainage systems, such as obstruction of sluice gates and drainage galleries, can lead to erosion problems at the discharge points of rainwater. Erosion in the discharge occurs when the precipitated water is higher than that for which the drainage system is designed or when the flow rate and water velocity at the discharge point assume elevated values to the point of carrying the soil around. In the city of Maringa, Parana state, part of the drainage system discharges into the Bosque dos Pioneiros, which has caused erosion problems on the area. The objective of this study was to analyze the urban drainage system that discharges into the Bosque dos Pioneiros by creating scenarios and running computational simulations. After validating the model for the different scenarios it has been suggested a 10% increase in the permeable area of the grove as a mitigation measure. It was observed a 27% decrease in the flow rate and 26% decrease in flow velocity by adopting these measurements. Therefore, this alternative proved to be feasible.
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