Garden at school: encouraging the culture and interaction with the environment
School horta, Education, Awareness, MotivationAbstract
The garden of medicinal plants and vegetables is a means of encouraging the community to better understand herbal and have a healthy diet, and to establish an environmental education to achieve the collective awareness. The present work aimed to develop pedagogical practices at the State Primary School Father Mario Castagna, in Porto Velho, Rondônia, providing learning about the importance of good nutrition with vegetables without any pesticide and environment preservation. Small vegetables were grown in tires, considering that its raw material is long lasting and with the intention of removing them from the environment, while branched plants planted in prepared soil with compost and black soil, as well as the tires . As a result, we obtained very healthy and beautiful vegetables, and seedlings of medicinal plants survived and are growing rapidly, thus preserving the environment. It is concluded that herbal relating to everyday life and a richer school meals in nutrients and vitamins, so we added benefits to this community, and also the participation and interaction of all keep the project alive in the garden at school.Downloads
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