Exploring the Unknown: The contributions of naturalists travelers to the natural sciences in Brazil of XVIII/XIX century
Naturalists, Natural Science, BiodiversityAbstract
When the aim is to discuss landscape, environment and science in Brazil, we must refer to the contributions and research provided by traveling naturalists in Brazil during the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Roughly, the traveler is considered that naturalist who, during the period referred to here, was devoted exclusively to the study of natural history, understanding the dynamics of the elements that surround the Earth. Thus, here we intend to quickly describe the contributions of important naturalist travelers who crossed over Brazil in the period referred to: Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira; Maximilian von Wied Neuwied; Johannes Natterer; Castelnau and Deville; Langsdorff; Martius and, finally, Auguste Saint-Hilaire. Finally, we can say that the extensive expeditions by traveling naturalists who came to Brazil were important contributions to the understanding and comprehension of our own territory, both with regard to environmental landscape dynamics, description of natural phenomena, and for classification of fauna and flora
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