Delimitação e monitoramento vegetativo da bacia hidrográfica do Lajeado Chiquinha
Preservation, monitoring, watershed.Abstract
The agriculture, livestock and industry are economic activities that require large areas where deforestation is the first negative consequence for the environment where the study and the integrated management of river basins are the only ways to be followed for the diagnosis and as the environmental recovery of these units, leading to balanced ecosystems therein. Thus, the aim of this work is the delineation of the Basin Paved Chiquinha through software Quantum GIS (QGIS), combined the use of Google Earth software images for vegetation monitoring through temporal analysis. We used a tool called historical images from Google Earth to the temporal analysis of the presence of vegetation surrounding the paved, thus following the changes during specific periods of time. The lack of vegetation along the entire length of the paved, besides being in violation of the requirements set forth in law, decreases site preservation and maintenance of biodiversity, also affecting the rates of soil infiltration and runoff.Downloads
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