The effectiveness of training in management for public school principals
formação em gestão, gestor de escola pública, avaliação de eficácia, avaliação do domínioAbstract
This paper presents the results of the evaluation of a management training course for public school principals. The research analyzed to what extent the graduates developed the management skills necessary to make a good job like principals, perceived from their leadership/management practices at school. A survey was carried out and factor analysis was used on the 650 valid responses. The results confirm the literature on the benefits of management training for school principals. However, while, internationally, the use of evaluation data is perceived as part of the management of the teaching-learning process, in Brazil, the school principals of public schools perceive the practices related to the use of this evaluation data as a separate part of school management.
Key-words: management training; public school principal; effectiveness evaluation; domain evaluation.
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