Management and prejudice racial


  • Jacilda Siqueira de Siqueira Pinho Uned



This article reflects the situation of black children lived in the State School Sister Lucinda Facchini, located in Bairro da Ponte, City of Diamond, Mato Grosso. Interviews were conducted with the school management team: director, coordinator and students. The interviews revealed the School seeks to prioritize work with ethnic diversity. Respondents perceive that there is a mixture of race in Brazil, however, agree that the curriculum does not discuss this issue in educational planning, we can see a rapid approach to the subject. It can be seen throughout this paper that the respondents are uncomfortable to touch this subject, demonstrated that there is a fog of dissatisfaction hanging over the school. Finally it is suggested that managers implement actions such as: Educational Projects and activities that deal frankly so unmasked racial discrimination.

Key-words: inequalities, management, discrimination.


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Author Biography

Jacilda Siqueira de Siqueira Pinho, Uned

Professora especialista da Educação básica de Diamantino-MT, licenciada em Letras pela Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso  e Pedagogia pela Universidade Ferderal de Mato Grosso, atuando no magistério desde 1996, pós graduada em Linguística e pedagogia empresarial.


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How to Cite

Pinho, J. S. de S. (2014). Management and prejudice racial. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, 3(5), 75–83.


