Context & Education - C&E: thirty-seven volumes of history in science education
Scientific Journal, Knowledge, Publishing, UniversityAbstract
Through this writing production, we aim at describing the theoretical and practical aspects of the scientific journal Revista Contexto & Educação - C&E -, and its commitment to the development of the field of Education in the country. The journal has been regularly edited since 1986 and is currently linked to the Graduate Program in Science Education of the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Unijuí. This investigation focuses on the objective of briefly narrating the history of C&E by bringing, through a qualitative documentary analysis, the scientific potential of selected editions of the Journal from the years 1986, 1993, 1998, 2010 and 2021. The survey and the record of important aspects of C&E Journal’s trajectory over the years, reaffirm the social and political commitment of this scientific journal and Unijuí, coherent with its community origins and its social function.
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