Analysis of the scales on commitment and integration of 2018 freshman students of the University of the Republic in Uruguay




Higher education, student engagement, first income, Uruguay


This article aims to validate a set of measures on educational experiences of engagement and integration among Udelar entrants, adapted in 2011 from the concepts implemented in the National Survey of Student Engagement - NSSE - by Kuh and collaborators. Presents a statistical analysis of the items related to three dimensions of integration: two related to learning and one to integration. The Survey on income generation experiences and decisions - Edegi - was applied to an intentional sample of students from the 2018 income generation at Udelar in three locations in the interior of the Republic - Maldonado, Rivera and Tacuarembó - and three faculties of the city of Montevideo - Psychology, Veterinary and Social Sciences.


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Author Biographies

Maximiliana Cedréz, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Professora na Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

Tabaré Fernández Aguerre, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Professor na Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

Santiago Cardozo Politi, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Professor na Universidad de la República, Uruguay.


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How to Cite

Cedréz, M., Fernández Aguerre, T., & Cardozo Politi, S. (2022). Analysis of the scales on commitment and integration of 2018 freshman students of the University of the Republic in Uruguay. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, 11(20), e70685, p. 1–26.