Institutional self-evaluation in a non-profit private university and its potential use for decision-making by the institution




Sinaes, Autoavaliação Institucional do corpo discente, Gestão universitária, Análise fatorial


The article aimed to analyze the importance of using the institutional self-evaluation results for the University’s decision-making processes and propose a simplified data analysis. It is known that the evaluation process produces a massive number of data, which many times is hard to analyze, therefore we presented an example of analysis, using factor analysis, to make easier the use of evaluation results for studies, follow-ups, and monitoring the results for decision-making processes. Using the results from the 2018 self-evaluation process, we concluded that the use of the factor analysis contributed to a simpler comprehension of the student’s answers. Using forty-two variables, six factors were created representing the Sinaes’ axis. Those factors allowed us to analyze the correlation among the different axis and left open different possibilities for analyses, for example, how each axle relates to the institutional structure, such as the relationship by departments, institutes, courses, and campus, and also analysis by individual’s characteristics.


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How to Cite

Cardoso, M. dos S., D’Albuquerque, R. W., & Tomás, M. C. (2022). Institutional self-evaluation in a non-profit private university and its potential use for decision-making by the institution. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, 11(20), e69550, p. 1–24.