The profile of the graduated from the training processin brazilian high school: between the legal optics and impacts on society
high school, content analysis, egress profile, state education plan, education administration.Abstract
This work aims to verify if the profile idealized, by the legal bases, for the Brazilian students who finished high school, is maintained when confronted to indicators for monitoring the results of this process of school education on society. To identify the profile under study, the content analysis of basic laws and of the curricular guidelines of 13 territorial units of the country was carried out, followed by the comparison of its results with diagnostic data on teaching, employability, enrollment and completion in Brazilian Higher Education. Of the 4 elements highlighted, from the analysis of the basic laws, for the composition of the profile under study, 2 were preserved, when they were validated by the correlation with monitoring indicators: ‘continuity of studies’ and ‘scientific-technological foundation’. This work signals the need for deepen studies on preparation for work and about participation in society in secondary education in Brazil.
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