The support of school superintendence to school managers during the implementation of remote education: an analysis from the view of the regional board of education in State of Ceará (Crede 3), Acaraú
Gestão. Superintendência Escolar. Ensino Remoto.Abstract
This work aims to present an assessment by managers the role of the Superintendence in guiding, supporting and qualifying school management concerning the implementation and monitoring of the Home Care Plan in the period of remote education. A qualitative and exploratory research, of applied nature, was used, aiming at the assessment of the superintendence service by the managers and the generation of knowledge about the practice of this employee. The methodology consisted of bibliographic research, application of a structured questionnaire, and analysis of the results in context with the bibliography. It was concluded that support of the Superintendence became essential in the process of implementing this plan, since it guides, accompanies, gives feedback, generates reflection on the performance of managers, thus strengthening their performance in the school processes organization, focusing in interaction, maintaining the link and learning from students. It was found that the Superintendence service generates a relationship of trust, co-responsibility and proximity of schools to other instances of the network, which contributed to a more effective implementation of Home Care Plan from the state public schools.
Key-words: management, school superintendence, remote teaching.
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