Is UFSM a sustainable university?




Sustentabilidade, GreenMetric, Medição de desempenho


Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM - has the mission of building and diffusing knowledge in a sustainable manner. But how can it know if its practices are enough for it to be called sustainable? The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of UFSM’s city campus by GreenMetric: a sustainability performance measurement model for universities that annually ranks its users. Results by category, on a scale from one to ten, were: energy and climate change 2.7, education and research 5.0, transportation 5.0, waste 7.5, setting and infrastructure 5.5, and water 2.0. The measure of the sustainability performance resulted in 4.8 points. Considering the university's knowledge assessment methodology, which has a minimum grade of five points, the measure of 4.8 points is insufficient.

Key-words: sustainability; Greenmetric; performance measurement.


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Author Biographies

Marina Fonseca Seelig Falcão, UFSM

Marina Fonseca Seelig Falcão desenvolveu este trabalho para obtenção do título de Engenheira Sanitarista e Ambiental pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Contato:

Andressa de Oliveira Silveira, UFSM

Andressa de Oliveira Silveira é professora do Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, e orientou o trabalho de conclusão que gerou esta publicação. Contato:


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How to Cite

Falcão, M. F. S., & Silveira, A. de O. (2021). Is UFSM a sustainable university?. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, 9(18), 1–16.