Progressive evaluation in middle school
This paper deals with school evaluation and aims to analyze perceptions and transformations in the implementation of the progressive evaluation model in a regular high school state school in the municipality of Redenção/CE. To understand this process, we sought to understand the perception of school agents - teachers, managers and students -, as well as to observe the approval, disapproval, transfer and avoidance rates comparatively before and after the implementation of this evaluation model. The main theoretical references in the area of education and curriculum were José Carlos Libâneo, Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, Heloísa Luck, Cipriano Luckesi and Antoni Zabala. The results indicated that the implementation of the progressive evaluation in the school did not have as a direct consequence a higher approval rate, but teachers and students feel that the model facilitates learning. These results lead to consider other aspects that interfere in teaching-learning as the increase in the number of students per room. It is concluded that, in view of the observed, school management must continue to rethink the processes of evaluation in the face of educational dynamics.
Key-words: progressive evaluation; high school; school.
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