The political-pedagogical project as an instrument of democratic and participatory management
The implementation of a democratic and participatory practice management in the routine of schools has faced many challenges, such as a break with the authoritarian culture that rejects the questionings in the impositions of order and power. However, for the construction of a democratic and participatory educational system, it is important to establish an open space for discussions within the school spaces. The educational manager may allow the intervention of educational practices, in view of the reality of the school community. Thus, this article seeks to discuss how the construction of the political-pedagogical project - PPP - can become an instrument of democratic and participative management, based on authors who approach on democratic management in the legal, political and educational scenario. The results show the relevance of promoting an institutional context that contributes to the formation of builders and transformers citizens of society.
Key-words: political-pedagogical project; democratic and participatory management; school.
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