PEA/Unesco Brazil: the experience of the first associated school in Santa Maria/RS
This paper describes the experience of participating in the Program of Unesco Associated Schools - PEA - by Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil Borges de Medeiros from Santa Maria in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The program aims to spread Unesco's values in the school community viewing to make, out of each school an organization cell and also to form leadership able to change and to improve life in communities. Emei Borges de Medeiros has participated in PEA/Unesco and has been certified for developing the project called Through imagination and action children transform sustainability into reality. Activities related to values for good taking along, respect to the other, healthy eating habits, knowledge of fauna and flora, reptiles, care to body health, valorization of social culture, artistic performances and musical education were developed.
Key-words:children education; Unesco Associated School Program; Emei Borges de Medeiros.
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