Election of principais: is it one of the mechanisms of management decentralization?
In this paper, the focus is on the discussion on the guidelines of the election of principais in the educational system in the city of Santa Maria, RS. The purpose is rellecting upon the limits and responsibilities in the election of principais in the ambient of democratic construction in the school context from the Lei Municipal de Gestão Democrática - lei n. 4740/03, which is related to the election of principais and the organization and functioning of the School Boards. For achieving that, a theoretical and history review is made about the processes of election of a principal - - political nomination, public contests and direct election - analyzing in which way those processes result in a shift in the dimensions of te school management. Defending the principais' election in the process of democratization of the school management, we point that such mechanism, exclusively, does not guarantee democracy, however, that means an advance in relation to the other ways of electing principais.
Key-words: democratization of the management, election of principais, participation.
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