Education, citizenship and social class


  • Lindomar Wessler Boneti Professor da Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná — PUCPR



The article presents a conceptual analysis of the elements that compose estimated which according to the education if it constitutes of way of construction of the citizenship and its theoretical implications. In as place it is considered to analyze what it is called inclusion, as concept, notion or speech, especially originated the theoretical and methodology implications of the exclusion.

Key-words: citizenship, social class, inclusion, exclusion.


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Author Biography

Lindomar Wessler Boneti, Professor da Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná — PUCPR

Professor da Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná — PUCPR


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How to Cite

Boneti, L. W. (2017). Education, citizenship and social class. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, 1(1), 47–62.


