Institutional evaluation: socialization of the study in the municipality of Escada/PE
These studies relate do the Institutional Evaluation theme, specially to the actions developed by the City Educational Department and by the School Managers from the city of Escada/PE regarding the results from Saepe 2014. Our hypothesis starts from the point where the Education Network from Escada/PE, dealing with the results from Saepe 2014, seems to not put forward systematic and progressive actions at schools. The approach is qualitative, the type is descriptive and it was administered at the City Education Department and in two public school. The subjects were two school managers, the city manager and one technician. The instruments for collecting data were documental analyses and semi-structured interviews. The results point the fact that managers have no actions front Saepe results, most of the subjects can’t respond to what a Institutional Evaluation means and do not know the organizational structure inside the Education System of the city.
Key-words: institutional evaluation, Saepe, educational management.
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