From the political pedagogical project - PPP - To the school strategic project - SSP
The pedagogical political project - PPP -, or the normative planning of the school, done as a response to the requirement of the articles 12, 13, 14 and 15 of the LDB/96, accomplished its role in school. It arose the collective planning, the search for institutional identity and some inovation in education. However, it lost its influencing power as a reference. The PPP turned out to be a legal obedience, instead of being a strategic dynamic planning for the institution. On account of this, its function in school has been questionable. The school strategic planning - SSP -, focusing on results and performance of the school could be the response for the actual problems of the school. The school management, focusing on results, though not popular, will certainly bring contributions to education.
Key-words: pedagogical strategic planning, school management, school strategic management.
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